Kind donations and help for our charity come in so many forms. Tesco sometimes have excess stock, and they’ve found a very good home for some of their clothes. They were very generous and provided school uniforms, t-shirts and some other helpful items of clothing that are soon to head for Bombolulu.
Thanks to Tesco at Bar Hill for their kind donation
They are much needed at the school in Bombolulu, and we would have had to buy them elsewhere if Tesco hadn’t kindly donated them to us. That means we can use those funds elsewhere and as we grow that is absolutely invaluable.
We were put in touch with a local Tesco store by one of our very kind supporters.
Guess where we bought the last set of uniforms? It was Tesco, the quality was super and surprisingly it was more economic to buy them in the UK. So well done to Tesco for quality and price. Transport is an issue, but our chair trustee Sally has a huge suitcase when she goes to Bombolulu once a year.