How Zoom can help sponsors see how they help our children
For those who support or would like to support the poor children in the school at Bombolulu, you can now chat to them and take a look around the school on Zoom.
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RotaKids clubs within schools are part of the worldwide Rotary organisation. This school club, Sheerhatch RotaKids, sponsors Pressy – to ensure her education and food for a year at least.
Do you have contact with a school or club that would sponsor a child’s education in the 3rd world?
Pressy is an orphan and lives with her elderly grandmother. You can see why these RotaKids chose to support Pressy. She is an amazing girl who does her best at school and is determined to make the most of this opportunity to receive a high-quality secondary education that her family could not afford.
RotaKids is part of the Rotary family. It is for children aged 7 to 12 so primary and the beginning of secondary school. They promote the Rotary International motto of ‘Service Above Self’. And that is exactly what this sponsorship project represents – a great way to show the children in the UK how children in the 3rd world live and, equally, show the children in Kenya how children in the UK live.
Do you know a school or kids’ club who can help sponsor a child from one of the poorest suburbs in Kenya and give them hope for a better future? If you do, please contact us and we’ll be straight back in touch.
Our children love to talk to the people who support them, and the learning about different cultures and way of life goes both ways. Plus our children need the chance to practice their English and, in some cases, hear different English accents.
For those who support or would like to support the poor children in the school at Bombolulu, you can now chat to them and take a look around the school on Zoom.
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Agriculture is part of the compulsory syllabus in Kenyan lower secondary school. It encourages the children to learn how to plants seeds, grow on crops and then harvest them. They can then use their own produce to learn domestic science and self-sustainability.
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Now some subjects don’t need text books and blackboards. They need hands on experience and the materials that go with the subject.
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