How Zoom can help sponsors see how they help our children


For those who support or would like to support the poor children in the school at Bombolulu, you can now chat to them and take a look around the school on Zoom.

These pictures show George Davies and his own children talking to their ‘brothers and sisters’ in Bombolulu. They had a lot of fun and George’s own children have now taken a great interest in the progress of the school. It’s also super for our school children to be able to meet and thank their sponsors and their families in person.

It also opens up the world to them – technology being the key. For the children in the UK, it means that they gain a first-hand experience of what life is like for children from the 3rd world.

We can organise a Zoom session for any sponsor or supporter who would like a first-hand experience of meeting the children and understanding how the school operates.

We also use Zoom a lot for finance training between Sally, our chair of trustees and Nancy, the school manager, and for trustees meetings, with our trustees being based both in the UK and in Kenya.

Zoom helps to keep clear and personal contact between the two countries. It’s easier to sort out any problems or questions when talking to someone directly rather than using email.

George Davies is a great sponsor for the school, he sponsors 7 children and his business, George Davies Turf, also supports our children in many ways.

The children in Bombolulu on Zoom with UK
The children in Bombolulu on Zoom with UK

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