About The Charity

The charity provides a totally free education, a safe and supportive environment, and an opportunity in life to the very poorest and most disadvantaged early secondary age children in Bombolulu, one of the most impoverished suburbs of Mombasa. We select children who, despite their desperate background, have already demonstrated the yearn to learn and improve in primary education.

With no money to pay for even state education, the alternative prospect for many of these children is an early exit from the school system, leading to unemployment, crime, forced early marriage, or exposure to the modern slave trade.

Our aim is to develop the whole child as well as giving them a great education, so they in turn can help the local community to advance and grow.

The charity has previously supported a kindergarten and primary school for poor kids from the same area to expand from 30 to 300 children. This school is now self-supporting, but many of their children had nowhere to go for secondary education.

How is the charity governed?

As you would expect, the charity is operated and governed in accordance with the Charities Act 2006 and the reporting and operating requirements of the Charities Commission, the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales. The charity has been set up as a CIO – a charitable incorporated organisation.

The Charity Commission is stringent about the need for educational establishments in England and Wales and overseas to have all the correct safeguarding policies and procedures in place. As part of the approval process for the charity we are required to submit a wide range of information including the formal safeguarding policy and the written business plan for the school.

The object of the charity contained in the charity constitution, registered with the Charity Commission, is “To advance the education of children and adults in Mombasa and surrounding areas by providing facilities for education and work experience training.”